Wednesday 6 May 2015


Siblings Love!

This post is dedicated to a cute YouTube channel I stumbled upon. It's called Nash Grier and it often features Nash and his 4-year-old sister interviewing one another.

Those are two of my favourite videos of them :)


Tuesday 5 May 2015


Cheer Yourself Up! The Sunscreen Song


It's late today, so I will not write a long post. Here is something worth sharing - The Sunscreen Song.
The lyrics along with the video made by the Pickupdance - How To Dance At A Club! channel on YouTube can make you smile in 3 minutes :)

Enjoy and get inspired!

Monday 4 May 2015


Why Sitting Is So Bad for You (Day 7)

In today's day 7, I'd like to discuss an issue I've been reading and watching a lot abut lately! It is the subject of sitting and how harmful it is to us. Different surveys show different results, but it seems that on average, we spend around 12 hours a day sitting. Research shows that rigorous exercise is not enough to erase the side effects of sitting for that long. So we need to do something about it!

Where do we sit?

- at home
- when travelling
- in the office/at school/at University
- at cafeterias/restaurants
- at the theatre/cinema
In other words, everywhere!

Why is it bad for us?

- it distorts our spines
- it makes us sleepy and lazy
- it can limit the amount of air coming into our lungs (incorrect posture presses our lungs!)

What can we do about it?

- stand up every half an hour to one hour for a few minutes
- stretch, do simple excersises
- when possible, do our work whilst standing
- rock on our chairs backwards and forwards

There are some highly innovative solutions related to sitting they've already invented:

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Hopefully, the nice designs will help attract more attention to the issue!

Finally, this little cartoon is quite informative.

What is your way of battling the sitting 'epidemic'?

Sunday 3 May 2015


5 Life-changing Books

Good morning my dear readers!

I've been doing a lot of reading lately (mainly self-help and personal development). So here are five top picks:

1. Who Moved My Cheese

It is a book about change and how we all secretly fear it.
Photo from:

2. The Willpower Instinct

What stands on your way of high achievements and how to train willpower like a muscle.

Photo from:

3. The Four Hour Working Week

How to turn yourselves into a prioritising super machine and to travel while working.

Photo from:

4. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

The book is almost 70 years old (thanks for the correction Willie!), yet the lessons will never die.
Photo from:

5. The Power of a Positive No

Saying no is not only okay, but it is in fact essential for your self-esteem and low stress levels!

Photo from:

 What are your favourite self-help inspiring books?