Sunday, 2 June 2013

Top 25 Jobs for Geeks

Here we go:

  1. Game Tester 
  2. Web or Graphic Designer 
  3. IT Guy 
  4. Sales person at the Sharper Image
  5. Editor 
  6. CNet Product Reviewer
  7. Watch Maker 
  8. History Channel Re-enactment Actor 
  9. Bladesmith
  10. Comic Book Illustrator or Cartoonist
  11. Software Engineer 
  12. Tornado Chaser 
  13. NASA
  14. Auditor 
  15. Laboratory Assistant 
  16. Sound Engineer 
  17. Starbucks Barista
  18. Quality Control 
  19. Band Conductor 
  20. Optometrist 
  21. Orchestra Conductor
  22. Best Buy Geek Squad Geek
  23. Librarian 
  24. Thespian
  25. Science Teacher
And here is the original article with proper explanations!

Back to my Money Saving Challenge

Day 11 (1 June)
Blackberry (reduced) 0.40
Milk 1.29
Porridge oats 0.75
Brazil nuts 2.50
Total in TESCO: 4.94
Chain swing carousel (fun times!) 2.90
Total: 7.84

Day 12 (2 June)
Skipping rope from eBay 0.99
Total: 0.99


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