Friday, 8 November 2013

What Am I Good at?

After completing Oprah's test for finding out what I'm good at, here are the results that popped up:

Striving to Be Spontaneous
You are an adventurer: Action-oriented, curious, outgoing, and often technically gifted, you live for new experiences. You are drawn to risk-taking and aren’t afraid to fail. Generally restless, you tend to job-hop or choose a field that offers constant novelty. If you had to name your favorite place, it might be the center of attention—you’re a born entertainer, and can easily adapt to any audience. While you collect many acquaintances, you’re less likely to develop deep, committed relationships.
What to watch out for: When you can’t satisfy your thirst for variety and excitement, you may see yourself as trapped, which can lead to impulsive and self-destructive behavior—drinking, drugs, breaking off relationships, ditching financial responsibilities. Try to find value in some traditions; if you learn to appreciate repetitive experiences, you won’t always feel the urge to bust free. And when a new opportunity thrills you, keep in mind that just because it sounds exciting, that doesn’t mean it’s good for you.
Looking ahead: Life will have meaning for you as long as you feel stimulated. That might mean chasing twisters, exploring the polar ice caps, getting a degree in dance therapy, or becoming an astronaut. It might also mean reading new books, attending workshops, or letting yourself get swept up in an intoxicating romance. As a risk-lover with a lot of energy, you’re a natural entrepreneur. You’ll be happiest if you change jobs every so often and travel extensively. Movement is what keeps you going.

I couldn't agree more.
Now I realise why in the last few weeks I've been feeling a bit down, feeling dissatisfied with what I'm doing and overeating. Because food gives me the variety that I NEED so desperately.


big action plan: go back to being adventurous, full of ideas and so on by:

1. Meeting new friends (since my work takes 8 hours form my life every day, (yeah placement years i uni turn you into an... adult), and another 2+ in travelling, and 1-2 in working out + taking care of my body/hygiene, 7-8 hours of sleeping, there is what is left:
around 6 hours to do something awesome :)
So.. need to find new people to chill out with
Be more persistent with my old friends (I know that they all have deadlines/new ventures/part-time jobs etc but they still must have some hours of the day left to see others, like me :P

2. Become good at photography

3. Continue with the meaningful books/movies

4. Read more about successful people and businesses

5. Take up new sports, like classes in a gym or swimming for example.

Wish me luck!

And by the way, here is the test itself. You can do it too :)


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