Monday, 19 March 2012

Geek vs. Nerd Overview

I've been thinking about two popular terms 'nerd' and 'geek' which seemed identical to me. But as it turned out they aren't. And because my blog is mainly business dedicated I decided to explore them from a jobs point of view. But first, let's examine the distinctions.

What is a Geek?

(Yup, Justin. He was in an article about celebrities going geek)

1. Someone with specific niche interest or lifestyle
2. An early adopter (from marketing point of view)
3. The knowledge ranges from 'living encyclopedia' to mundane
4. He/she can be pretentious
5. A fan of gadgets
6. Someone who wears ironic T-shirts
7. .. and is highly likely to own a Mac
8. Geeks are usually communicative

What is A Nerd?

1. Someone extremely interested in academics
2. Runs away from society (introverted)
3. He/she is interested in games, movies, science, computers
4. Usually owns a PC (or a huge pile of books)
5. His/her interests include books: chess, fantasy, sci-fi, physics, computer programming
6. Nerds wear those kind of clothes which when you see you ask yourself: 'Who the heck would wear that?'

Movies Geeks like:

- Anchorman
- Donnie Darko
- Tron
- Office space
- Arrested Development
Movies Nerds like:

- Lord of the Rings
- Battlestar Galactica
- Star Treck
- Matrix
- Pi


P.S. The business side of Geeks & Nerds is coming soon!


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