Monday, 5 March 2012

Potatoes Make Dark Circles Disappear?

 Do you have problems with dark circles around your eyes? You may find this interesting.

I came across an appealing article. Instead of buying expensive make-up to cover the areas that you may wish to hide (e.g. concealers), it suggests that you try a home remedy. Cheap, easy and hopefully, effective.

What you need is a grater, a cheese cloth and a potato (raw).
You need to grate the vegetable, put it in the clot, place it on the areas that you wish to lighten, lie down and wait for 20 minutes.

The reason why it should be effective is that scientist have found that the potatoes contain a chemical called catecholase which helps with the natural lightening of the skin. It is a major ingredient in many skin products.

What causes dark circles?
In short:
lack of sleep
food allergy
the skin around the eye is very tender, so it is easy for it to get wrinkles or dark circles.

I personally haven't tried it, but intend to do it asap. Student life is not easy, so tiredness needs to be covered.
 More info:


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