Thursday, 8 March 2012

Smoothies can cause problems with your teeth!

One of my friends told me that she had 6 teeth fixed recently! And she has a very healthy lifestyle. Surprisingly, the dentist told her that the reason is most possibly her habit of drinking smoothies/fresh juices. And especially the fact that she keeps the liquid for a while in her mouth before she swallows it.

The reason?
Fruits contain acids which make your teeth more 'vulnerable' for some time after you've eaten something sour or drank some juice. That's OK as long as you don't do it too often because the teeth have a natural mechanism for recovering themselves (about 1 hour). So it's advisable not to brush your teeth within this time.

The remedy?
Several options:
- swallow quickly
- use a straw
- eat cheese or milk after eating/drinking what contains acid (What a cool advice from the website that I read!)
- regular dental checks

What can happen?
- dental erosion!

 Read more:


Unknown said...

This blg makes me hungry...

Unknown said...

*blog. Sorry I'm typing from my iPad

Business Stalker said...

Haha, well get some.. smoothie then :))

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